Monday, October 5, 2009

If it walks like a duck..

Do you trust your instincts when it comes to relationships? Red flags can be thrown in the very beginning stages of dating, but often times we fail to or choose to ignore little signals that can help us make a mistake in the end.

When we come to a red light or a stop sign, don't we always stop? Of course we do -well why do some of us continue when major stop signs are thrown at us in the world of dating? Instead we continue head first into what could end up being a fatal heartbreak when if we would have just taken our gut feeling from the beginning into account.

Should you always trust you initial gut feeling? I don't know, but I can tell you this when it comes to friends, dating, and people in general almost always your first impressions are correct. Any other words, if something feels off or the waters are a little shaky, it probably is.

Why do we continue forward on shaky ground? For many people it's that need for a relationship (the I can't be alone syndrome), for others, more so guys, it could be sexual urges (male instinct).

Here's a tip, for guys, if a girl immediately wants to know what your occupation is, she's probably a gold-digger. Sure, she may just want to know how you spend your days or be making casual chit-chat, but 9 times out of 10, if she pops this question as soon as you say, Hi, my name is Charles, chances are... she's a gold digger. Classical conditioning is also a sign of the gold digger. In other words, she only sleeps with you if you've bought her something. I'll be the first to give props to all the girls out there who wait until dinners and an ample amount of dates before sleeping with someone, but those are the girls who have their heads on straight and want to get to know a guy before they have sexual relations. A gold diggers motto is something different.. pay before you can play as I like to call it. Guys, you should be able to decipher between the two from the get go.

Jealousy, control, and unfaithfulness can be recognized from the beginning as well. Demanding to know where you are or who you're with at all times is an instant sign of jealousy. If the person has no reason not to trust you, why must they ask these questions? As far as controlling behavior, if a girl/guy must I even need to tell you these signs?? Ahh, unfaithful people. These characters are vague about their whereabouts, caught in lies, don't answer their phone in front of you, are secretive and manipulative. Come on, if you think something sounds fishy.. guess what, you're probably almost always, 99.9%, right on cue, right?

A tip that will almost always keep you from relationship disaster is the simple phrase,
"If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it's probably a duck." Get it?

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