Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Too Forward?

Is it okay to be straight forward in relationships?  You tell me.  If you like someone should you ask them out?  In most cases, yes..get up that courage, and just do it!  However, if you feel like you will be shot down, and your not a total pessimist, save yourself the disappointment.

As college students, we all are faced with this question.  Is it okay for girls to ask guys out, and vice-versa.  I personally wouldn't ask a guy out, but hey, its 2008.  And for guys, get up that courage, who knows, the hottie in your class may dig you too. 
If you're a girl, and you know the guy is too shy, suggest an activity to do together, so it's not like you're asking him on a date.  If I were you, I wouldn't advice dinners or movies, that's an automatic "date".  Word it in a way where he thinks you two are just "hanging out", and see where it goes.

Nothing is wrong with asking, but trust your gut feeling that the person may be interested in you too!