Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Everyone has a Story..

Several weeks ago, a guy friend of mine and I were out to dinner, and when I say guy friend, I strictly mean guy friend. As we looked around the dimly lite restaurant, we noticed a plethora of people who were sitting by themselves at the bar or either perceived as a third wheels among couples. We began to analyze what these people were doing alone at a bar so near to Christmas, and make up stories as to why they seemed so oddly misplaced. One sharply dressed lady for instance was seated at the far end of the bar nursing her martini. She didn't appear to be meeting someone for cocktails, so what was she doing?

As we picked and poked and tried to decipher these people, we came to the conclusion that we would never know. The moral is, everyone has a story, and so did we. As far as relationships go, he hadn't met the right girl I presumed because he's been single ever since I've known him, which has only been two years. He told me he had trust issues, which I think is a total cop-out I told him, but if that's his story so be it. I have trust issues too, I proclaimed, but that doesn't hold me back from life or love. I've had my heart broken, and broken a few, which I don't say proudly, but I'm not afraid to take a risk. Over the next several days, I began to think about our dinner conversation, and concluded that just maybe, he is right.

Should you be afraid to express your feelings? Should you protect yourself in any relationship? Should you not take a chance and risk a great match? I'm still pondering all of these questions, that came about over a dinner chat with a friend that has issues. As hard as it is for me to say, I think he's right. Maybe someone shouldn't risk it all for love and maybe you should listen to those little instincts you have, because maybe they are indeed right. A hopeless romantic no more, maybe we should all take advice from the opinionated Kanye, and keep our love lockdown. Who knows? All I know is Everyone has a story and this is mine.

but your "story" can only get you so far for so long..

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