Before you jump back into the game, make a "dating garden"
Let's face it, after a heart break, it's not so easy to jump back into the game. Of course, a rebound is one thing, but a truly meaningful relationship with someone new takes time.
This time around you need to protect yourself, protect your heart, but don't guard yourself so much to where you miss out on great opportunities. No one said it would be easy to jump back into the game. Sure, there will be cases where you compare every guy you date to your ex. You'll think you are a big girl, then hear songs that remind you of him and burst into an April shower of tears. It's okay, but remember one thing: You are a beautiful person inside and out, he's the sorry sap who left you. He my dear deserves no longer to be racing around in that pretty little head of yours - forget him.
Unless he's calling or emailing you everyday begging for you back - forget him. If he's not contacting your friends or family members in order to proclaim what a worthless crock of you know what he was - forget him. And if he's not showing up on your door step with a bouquet of flowers singing a little love song and throwing pebbles at your window - girl, forget him. And I can guarantee he's not going to be doing any of these things.
Sure, one day this poor sap may wake up and realize how much he misses you, but no longer will you be missing him. Remember, he broke up with you. I like the quote, "Don't be flattered that he misses you. He should miss you. You're deeply miss able. However, he's still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, every day, not to be with you."
As far as getting back into the dating game, be careful. Date guys you never thought you would date before. In other words, date guys who aren't neccessiarly your "type" because your type at one time was your ex --and look how that turned out. Sure, date guys who were like your ex and his good ways, but scratch them off, if they remotely resemble his bad habits. Because remember their is a reason he's called the ex. (X)
Take things slowly, weed out the players from the truly genuine guys. Believe me, it's not terribly hard to decipher. Pretend you are in a dating garden. Pick the nice guys first, just as you would the tulips in your garden. As far as the dirt bags and players go, hack them up like you would weeds or leaves that disrupt your beautiful garden. Simply rake them up or pull them out and dispose of them! Once you have seen one player, you've seen them all. Get your girlfriends opinions of these guys, they won't steer you wrong. I'm sure they probably tried to tell you about your jerky ex (X), you just didn't listen!!
When your a single gal, you'll start to notice all types of guys, that you never knew existed when you were "taken." Heck, being single can be a fun experience, after all you get to sit back and laugh at all the jerks who attempt to pick you up. Little do they know, you have one up on them, you've got there number all figured out, right? Just remember to make your dating garden, and watch out for the roses with the thorns!
I definitely need to do some things different when I start dating again. I think I rush into stuff before I really know the person and their background, so I will def. hold back in the beginning stages next time.
I don't think I will compare anyone I date to my ex, but I do think that I will compare the naturally occurring love that I had for him and wonder if I will ever feel the same about anyone else. He was definitely my soul mate, but in a different way than society classifies soul mates.
It is hard to stop thinking about him, even though I shouldn't be. I think it because I care for him deeply no matter what our relationship status is.
I occasionally text him just to see how he doing and even though I feel a sincere need to do this and feel a peace of mind knowing that he is ok, I feel like it isn't appreciated.
Should I cut all communication???
I do believe that one day he will snap out of it and realize that he made a mistake by allowing our relationship to end up the way it has.
My biggest problem with the whole situation is that I know that he is not my "typical" guy. He is not someone that I would bring home to the parents. But I love him anyway. I think I am getting to the point, however, where I can love and care about him, but be ok with he fact that we aren't meant to be together.
I think I need to date nice boys lol. He was totally opposite from me, but I guess I really do need to date someone with a good number of similar interests and who shares a common background and has the same principles as me.
I am really excited about going back to the dating garden again. :)
So, to give you some other blog topics....
if I want to approach a guy, what would be a good way to do it?
Where are some places I should be looking for these tulips?
What are some tips for weeding out the garden. How can I tell a player from someone who wants a relationship in the beginning stages?
Yes, I think you should try to cut off all ties with him (at least for now). Still remaining in contact with him is going to make it extremely difficult for you to keep him out of your thoughts. And yes, you are probably right, he may in fact wake up and realize what he is missing.. however, who wants to sit and wait for him, you certainly shouldn't. (you're too good for that).
And do not, I repeat do not start up a friendship with this guy (unless it's a good way down the line) In his eyes, the two of you wouldn't be going out anymore, yet he could still have the perks of a girlfriend w/o all the ties. (just a warning)
You mentioned that you could be okay with the fact that the 2 of you could just be friends. It's understandable that you care about him, and won't him to make the right decisions with his life, but I'm not so sure at this stage, you two could be "pals".
I failed to mention this as well.. Is he calling you and seeing how YOU are doing?? ..just a thought.
you're absolutely right.
I deleted his number :(
it's the only way I can stop myself
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