Monday, February 9, 2009

What's It Take??

What does it take for a Relationship to Work?

There is no magical formula, secret recipe or specific set of rules to follow in order to have a great relationship. The key ingredient to having a happy and healthy relationship consists of a combination of many things. Honesty, trust, dependability, communication, and humor are all important factors when it comes to maintaining a lasting partnership. And for the most part, I feel these topics are clutch for any lasting partnership. In other words, honesty, trust, dependability, communication and humor are the bricks in the house you two are building of love and trust. And you better believe if you two can't lay this one "stupid brick down, you ain't ever gonna have a house, baby. And it's cold outside."

Honesty--you have to be as upfront as possible with each other even if it means hurting someones feelings. Well, maybe not that far--if your significant other asks, "Does this dress make me look fat", I guess it would be okay to not answer in complete honesty. But yes; honesty, honesty, honesty, can't live without it--it's what makes your house of love a home.

Next comes trust, if you can't trust someone then you shouldn't be with them, simple as that. As soon as your level of trust for another person breaks, then the relationship breaks. Trust not only means trusting in your partner not to cheat on you, but it also means trusting in them to keep even your deepest most darkest secrets. In other words, if you tell your partner something, they should be able to keep it to themselves no matter what.

Dependability--Another key for your healthy relationship. Your partner should be someone who is always there for you. Lasting relationship are built on just this, countability. For example, if your car breaks down on the side of the road at 4am, you want to be damn sure that that your partner will come and get you. It doesn't matter if they are asleep or sick, you need to know that they will be there.

Communication/listening-- If you can't communicate with each other then the relationship is doomed. You have to share with one another your feelings. I don't care if you are an open person or not, communication is key to any relationship. Listening is also important. You can talk all day long, but at the end of the day, you have to be able to sit down and take in everything your partner says. And when I say listen, I mean truly listen. "The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words."

Humor--is the best medicine. You have to be able to laugh and play with each other. You also have to be able to learn to laugh at yourselves and your mistakes. Humor can lighten any mood or any situation. Couples who are able to laugh with each other are the ones who make it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely article, but a bit naive. In fact, many of the things you mention are part of a working relationship, not just romantic, but all relationships.

Good luck with your blog. Good stuff!